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-Kenny Loggins


-Van Halen

-Rocky Theme

-2 Unlimited



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by Trey!

Studio Guidelines & Procedures

By the end of this section you will be able to understand club policies, and regulations in the studio. All members are expected to know and follow these guidelines.

All students are expected to attend or train in at least 2 class sessions per week. Every attempt should be made to schedule outside activities around class meeting times. It is in the student's own interest to obtain the maximum instruction possible.

Please respect your fellow students by arriving on time. This is a group learning as well as an individual one. If you arrive after the class has bowed in, wait at the entry of the dojo space, in seiza, until recognized by the attending senior member, to come onto the mat. Remember to bow to him/her, as well as the dojo space.

Attitude in the dojo is one of respect for yourself, as well as for other students. This includes getting permission before using or handling any training equipment other than your own. Competition shall not be brought into the training. We train for growth and understanding. Violence and aggression is a statement of weakness, not strength. Treat your training partner with respect. Blades with a cutting edge must be brought to the attention of the attending senior member. Live Blades are only allowed on the mat during special training. No gum is allowed on the mat. Remove your jewelry before training, or it is your own responsibility.

While we acknowledge, respect, and perhaps even practice other martial art systems, at times in our training, we must keep in mind that this dojo is a ninjutsu training club. It is for this reason that we gather and train. We will assume that anyone performing any other system has already mastered all of the aspects of ninjutsu that he/she needs to learn. The practice of arts other than ninjutsu shall be practiced elsewhere or at another time.

The proper dress code requires a black martial arts gi (uniform) and a belt with a color that matches your current ranking. Soke Hatsumi uses white for Myukyu (no rank), green (9th Kyu to 1st Kyu) and black (Shodan and above) with patches ad stars to indicate levels within those colored belts. Patches should be worn on the gi in the proper places.

Beginner= white belt || Intermediate (9th kyu - 7th kyu)= yellow belt || Advanced (6th kyu - 2nd kyu)= green belt || Assistant Teacher (2nd kyu to 1st kyu)= brown belt || Shodan and above= black belt

1. Respect the instructors for their teachings, as handed down by the Soke. Respect yourself as well. If this is not done we will assume you will not respect the teaching. And thus ends our commom goals and association together.

2. Each member is responsible for creating a positive atmosphere of harmony and respect. Speak with good purpose about everyone, including yourself. Support your friends by sharing your knowledge, and not your ego.

3. Be willing to do whatever it takes to excel in your martial arts studies. We are first and foremost a black belt club; our goal is to take you to a mastery level. Have that goal for yourself.

4. It is your responsibiliy to cause no injury. You must protect your training partner, then yourself. Sprains and bruises do occur, but serious injury will be minimized if you follow these guidelines. In the event of an injury, inform the attending senior student immediately.

5. The Shinobi Ka studio operates in a manner following the natural laws of proper conduct. Its spirit comes directly from Soke Hatsumi and it is a place for the succession of their teachings. It is each members responsibility to honor and sincerely follow those teachings.

6. A few minutes before time for training to begin, you should be warmed up, seated in seiza and in quiet meditation. Use this time to rid your mind of the day's problems and prepare for study.

7. If you have some prior experience with the technique being studied, and are working with someone who does not, you may lead them through it (physically), but DO NOT attempt to correct or instruct your training partner (or any person for that matter) if you do not have permission of the senior student status or higher.

8. Respect those more experienced than yourself. Never argue about or compare technique. We are all studying the same principles, do not pressure your interpretation onto it. There are many points of view, as well as viewing points. Learn every application many ways.

9. Jewelry should be removed before entering the training area. Wear a clean gi with the proper patches and stars.

10. If you are unsure about what to do in a particular situation, please ask or simply follow along. Although there may seem to be many forms of etiquette to remember, they will come naturally as you continue to study. Please do not be resentful if you are corrected on a point of etiquette, for each one is important to your safety and the learning experience.